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Playing video or sound in real time as it is downloaded over the Internet. (9)
To find and remove errors (bugs) from a program or design. (5)
A term to describe software used for math calculations. A computer program used to store and calculate information in a structured array of data cells. (11)
Web pages that can be accessed within an organisations Network but not usually outside it. (8)
Network etiquette; an informal group of rules and ways of behaving on the Internet. (10)
local area network: a computer network covering a local area, like a home, office or small group of buildings such as a college. (3)
A set of coded instructions that a computer executes or interprets to perform an automated task, a list of instructions that a computer follows. (7)
Interactive software used for recreational perposes. (4)
This is a data structure used to store organised information, typically made up of many linked tables of rows and columns. (8)
The amount of data that can be transferred over the network in a fixed amount of time. On the Net, it is usually expressed in bits per second (bps) or in higher units like Mbps (millions of bits per second). 28.8 modem can deliver 28,800 bps, a T1 line is about 1.5 Mbps. (9)
A collection of data grouped into one unit on a disk. Anything on a disk that has a filename. (4)
Turned on and connected to the network. (6)
Host computer that delivers information and software to other computers linked by a network.
Describes a method of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of distinct electronic or optical pulses that represent the binary digits 0 and 1 as opposed to analog representation of information in variable, but continuous, wave forms. (7)